Because our soju was a local brand soju from Indonesia
Cheosnun soju was first bottled in 2019, and has since then evolved into a lovely range of fruity flavours. We have six varian fruity flavours.
Our soju had the fermentation process carried out to make the drink have a balanced pH, furthermore have a clean, crispy, smooth and refreshing taste with a flavoursome finish.
that the perfect glass of soju can bring happiness and joy because Cheosnun soju borrows happiness from tomorrow. With the world constantly changing and filling up with negativity, we tend to forget that good things are happening all around us. So, Drink cheosnun soju give out a more positive vibe because it tastes better than tears.
is choose to look at life through soju coloured goggles, like we do. The way we see it, the glass is always half full of Cheosnun soju, if you want it to be. Its wonderful ? So Let's drink Cheosnun soju.